Story Content
We plan, develop, and operate various story content.
From short-form videos to ultra-short films, music dramas,
interviews, audio dramas, and podcasts,
if you’re looking for video or audio content planning and production with our own flair, please contact us at any time.

Progress Examples
The ultra-short film 'Water Assimilation'
A selected work from "Migration Humanities" by the Hanseong University Institute of Humanities. An ultra-short film related to migration and people on the move.
The music drama 'Black Stone IN Heukseok'
Produced as part of the "2021 Culture Day Local Culture Content Specialization Project." A music drama about disappearing and changing things.
The audio drama 'Contract Marriage'
The story of a love connector rediscovering the values of love and marriage through matchmaking in a world where those values have been lost.
The audio drama 'Outsourcing'
Local stories were collected and created as the audio drama, and archival materials were shared more engaging and effectively with the community.